Melrose Area Development Authority
MADA/COC Mission Statement
Melrose - a progressive community for everyone
Create an environment providing employment and housing opportunities
Incorporate all segments of the community
Anticipate change, the impact, the potential
Facilitate a process leading to successful ventures
Evaluate all options utilizing available resources
Communicate our goals, our plans, the results
MADA consists of seven members including the Mayor and City Administrator who serve as Ex-Officio Members and five other members who are appointed by the Mayor with Council approval. One of the other five members must be a City Council Member. Appointments are staggered six-year terms expiring January 1 of each year. The President and Vice President are appointed by MADA from among its members annually. Since MADA as a development authority is statutorily limited to seven members, for improved community representation it appoints four individuals to serve with it for indefinite terms as the Community Opportunities Committee (COC). The 11 member COC, composed of the seven MADA members and the four additional area representatives, always meet together to address development authority business.
MADA/COC meets at 6:00 a.m. as scheduled. MADA was established under the Minnesota Statutes 469.090 through 469.123. As such, MADA is responsible for economic and industrial development and redevelopment within the City.
MADA/COC is responsible for maintaining and enhancing an environment conducive to job retention and creation and business recruitment and to assist when necessary and where possible the fulfillment of these activities. In cooperation with the Mayor and Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, Melrose Area Chamber of Commerce and other organizations, it works to address other community matters including the adequacy and availability of housing opportunities and the quality of life.
Established by City Council ordinance in 1983 as the Industrial/Commercial Development Commission; in 1989, the Economic Development Authority was established by City Council ordinance.
Re-established in 1999 by City Council ordinance and COC was established by MADA.
Carries out economic and industrial development and redevelopment.
Promotes development through use of tax increment financing, tax abatement, and revolving loan funds.
Pursues goals of job retention, job creation, and housing.