Streets/Parks Department
The Streets/Parks Department consists of a Streets/Parks Supervisor, three full-time Streets/Parks Workers, and one part-time Maintenance Worker.
The Streets/Parks Department is responsible for all maintenance, sweeping, and repairs of 29.49 miles of streets, 3.01 miles of alley ways, all sidewalks within the City's sidewalk program, bituminous pedestrian & bike pathways, and City-owned parking lots.
The Department also performs maintenance, repairs, and cleaning of the City's storm sewer system, three area parks, and conducts all snow plowing/removal operations.
The Streets/Parks Department workers cut and trim approximately 85 acres of grass within the City including parks, street right-of-ways, Lake Wobegon Trail, and Utilities-owned property.
The Streets/Parks Department has equipment such as two loaders and three dump trucks to help them with various projects such as snow removal and dirt work. The Streets/Parks Department also has a street sweeper, three mowers with various accessories, and three new work trucks.
Streets Supervisor
Andrew Rousslange
Road Maintenance
The City of Melrose is committed to providing quality streets for years to come. We have developed a detailed street maintenance program that is annually reviewed. Special funds have been set-a-side to ensure proper planning can occur to ensure the road are maintained. The staff and consultants work hard to ensure repairs are made that will have lasting impacts versus a short term affect. We have invested in municipal equipment that will allow the City to conduct a great deal of maintenance with City Staff versus contracting out the work to keep costs within reason.